
Purwadhika Digital Technology School is an educational institution that has been producing digital talents since 1987.

Purwadhika Digital Technology School is one of the pioneers of educational institutions in Indonesia that focuses on the world of digital technology education. The long journey of 35 years has been a testament to our commitment to always do the best. Best of all, best of anyone.




Started with the determination to bring impactful quality change to Indonesia's youth, and the belief that education is the only way to achieve it, Purwadhika was established in 1987. Therefore, Purwadhika is not just a school, but a life-changing institution, for the betterment of its students.


  • Design programmes that not only enhance students' skills but prepare them to contribute as professionals in the industry of today and the future.

  • Provide teaching staff with academic excellence and professional experience in today's industry.

  • To provide services and job channelling to our alumni from the time they graduate and throughout their lifelong careers.



Purwadhika Digital Technology School 

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Started with Purwadhika Computer Designer School offering two main programs: hardware design and software design for students with a bachelor’s degree from Indonesia top universities such as Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Satya Wacana, and Overseas Universities, etc. the program takes 10 (ten) months and personally taught by Mr. Purwa Hartono, the founder, as a single lecturer.

milestone 1


Specialy invited by Mr. B.J Habibie as the minister of research and technology of Indonesia to join the RISTEK 1991 exhibition. The RISTEK exhibition is usually for Indonesian government companies and universities only. During the exhibition, Purwadhika showed and demonstrated to Mr Soeharto the president of Indonesia. All the students’ real projects such as indonesia touched map connected to a video player, a miniature digital advertising board, automatic room temperature, speech synthesizer, multiple monitor big screen display, and more.

milestone 2


With the rise of startups as internet based companies, Purwadhika offers a new program for startups incubation which helps the young generations to build their dreams in building their own startups. Collaborated with ‘Plug and Play’ as a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm.

milestone 3


With the rise of the digital economy which needs a big number of digital talents Purwadhika offers a new program called Job Connector in collaboration with 1000+ hiring partners across Asia, this program offers four specializations such as digital marketing, data science, full stack development and UI/UX design. Purwadhika successfully got alumni hired not only for the Indonesia market but also globally to Singapore, Hong Kong, United States, Netherlands, French and et cetera.

milestone 4


To overcome the pandemic covid-19 crisis during 2020, Purwadhika opened a fully online Job Connector program.

milestone 5


Based on the concern to give equal opportunity for all Indonesian young generations with differences across all social levels, Purwadhika opened several branches in different cities with different pricing in Jakarta, BSD, Bandung, Jogja, Surabaya.

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With the ambition to go international, Purwadhika opened a new program called ‘Digital Talents Incubator’ which was fully funded and conducted in english to supply the global digital talents needs.

milestone 7


Purwadhika will be riding the waves of digital transformation by innovating and creating new programs as needed.

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Purwa Hartono BSCS(1985) MSCNG(1987)

Founder & President

Purwadhika Digital Technology School

Purwa Hartono is the founder of Purwadhika Digital Technology School who is also an entrepreneur and a software engineer. Because of his great passion in education and his mission to advance the world of technology in Indonesia, in 1987 Purwa Hartono returned to his homeland after completing his studies in America to build an educational institution in the field of technology that refers to practice to be able to produce real projects. and not just stick to theory alone.

Purwa Hartono is still active in teaching and designing the entire curriculum at Purwadhika Digital Technology School.

Educational background


BSCS, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Magna Cumlaude

Northrop University USA

Active as Academic Assistant in Mathematics and Computer


MSCNG, Master of Science in Computer Engineering with Cumlaude

University of Southern California USA

Involved in a University Project for building a 16 multiprocessors system

“Hierarchical Configurable Highly Parallel System (HCHiPs)" which is a multiprocessor computer system design as his thesis

Awards & Achievements


Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges

Only 1% from all students studying in the United States of America are awarded annually for this award with academic achievement and future potential success.

National Dean's List Award

Only 1% from all students studying in the United States of America who have a minimum of 3.0 Grade Point Average.

"Disain Digital: Teoritis dan Praktis"

Written a book in Digital Design that has been published in Indonesia and used in several universities.


Who's Who In The Asia Pacific Rim

An award given to entrepreneurs who have given a high impact on industry in the Asia pacific region.


Founded a company in USA: S&K Decision Support System Providing IT Consulting, hardware sales, software development, and Computer training.

Active as writer in several magazines such as TEKNOLOGI, etc


Founded a vocational computer training school: Purwadhika Digital Technology School


Founded a Company: PT. Neurosoft Indonesia is a software company developing its own customized ERP software for different industries such as:

NeuroERP, an ERP system that consists of Sales, Marketing,Product, Material, Asset, Production, Machine Maintenance, Human Resource, Payroll, Finance, & Accounting Module.

NeuroRETAIL/RESTO, an integrated retail system consists ofPOS (Point of Sales), Back Office, Membership, HeadQuarter, Franchise, Material, Central Kitchen, Payroll, and FinanceModule.

NeuroHUMAN, an integrated human resource system consistsof Recruitment, Personnel Data and History, Training, HumanResource Planning, Travelling, Employee Services, ActivityTracking and Monitoring, and Evaluation and Survey.

NeuroSHIPPING, an integrated cargo/container shipment management system.

NeuroMOTOR, an integrated cloud and mobile based industry system including sales, inventory, purchasing, accounting, finance and service center

NeuroHOTEL, an integrated hotel management system.

Electricity Telemetering System, Hardware and Software electricity meter that can be accessed remotely.

Project Procurement System, for Freeport Indonesia from MTO, Bidding, Purchasing, until Expedition.

Motor Dealers Management, for ASTRA HONDA from Sales, Financing, and Accounting.

Real Time Tax Management System, a cloud and mobile based POS (Point Of Sales) with integrated real time tax Management.


Active as a member of Alumni University of Southern California (AUSC)


PATI (Persatuan Ahli Teknik Indonesia)

Active as a member of PATI which an organization consisting of all Indonesian engineers in Indonesia with the chairman is Prof. B.J Habibie


Musical Artist

Have released several songs in secular and religious category which has been published in digital platforms


Active as Lecturer in Computer Science and Information System at International University in Indonesia


Active as speakers in computer and information system conferences in Indonesia.

2007 & 2008 — “INAICTA” a national-level scientific technology competition for 2 consecutive years organized by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, serving as a judge

2017 — Global Mobile Internet Conference (GMIC), as a speaker

2018 — “How to be Digipreneur” at Atma Jaya Catholic University, as a speaker

2018 — Purwadhika Techwave, as a speaker

2018 — Kick Andy (BIG Circle segment), as a speaker

2018 — BeritaSatu “Digital Inside Program”, as a guest speaker

2020 — TEDFest by Telkomsel “Software Developer is Billionaires Creator”, as a speaker

2020 — Startups Competition by Universitas Indonesia, serving as a judge

2021 — Tokopedia Academy, as a guest speaker for “Start Talks”

2022 — Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) “Data Science Webinar” Graduation KEMENPORA, as a speaker

2022 — USC Marshall, as a speaker

2022 — Tokopedia Academy “Enabling The Indonesian Dream”, as speaker

2023 — Inspigo.id for “CEO Talks”, as speaker

2023 — IDX Podcast Chanel, as speaker

And many more


Founded a christian community: One Christ Community

A non denominational community that shares the gospel and manifests God’s love.


Founded a charitable organization: BanguNusantara

A crowdfunding foundation to help Indonesia's next generation by supporting their academic tuition fee



Founded a company: Mamandiri.com

A service and product e-commerce platform to support women in Indonesia


This name is an inspiration and motivation for our work to be and give the best to you and it is our goal to make you the best “Be the best you can be at Purwadhika”.


The Purwadhika logo shows one of the most important processes with three stages depicted by three lines to be successful in a world depicted by circles.

The process starts from:

  1. “Belief” or “What we believe” which is the beginning and the basis that affects;
  2. “Value” or “The way we judge everything” and which in the end will bear fruit into;
  3. “Action” or “Deeds” that will determine results to be achieved.


The word “purwa” comes from Sanskrit which means first or foremost.


While “adhika” means "better" in all positive ways such as smart, strong, and loyal.

Chatting with Purwadhika with Purwa Hartono, Founder & CEO of Purwadhika!

Purwa Hartono's point of view as Founder & CEO on how Purwadhika can produce digital talents who are ready to compete.